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About Fish Processing Processes

Fish Grading, Gutting, Filleting, Glazing, Traceability

In the fish processing process, fish are classified according to factors such as size, weight, quality and freshness. This grading is important for the selling price and intended use of the fish.

Fish grading is usually done using a series of standardized measurements and visual assessments. The size, weight and length of the fish are measured using a ruler or scale. Quality assessment includes the freshness, color, condition and flawlessness of the fish.

Fish grading is an important step to determine the quality and value of fish. This is important to provide consumers with the best quality and most affordable fish.


Gutting is the removal of the internal organs of fish. This process helps to keep the fish fresher for longer and prevent spoilage.

Gutting is usually done with a knife or gutting machine. The fish is cut in the abdomen and the internal organs are removed. The internal organs of the fish include organs such as the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys.

Gutting is an important step in the fish processing process. This process helps to preserve the freshness and safety of the fish.


Filleting is the removal of the flesh from fish. This process makes it easier and tastier to cook the fish.

Filleting is usually done with a knife or a filleting machine. The fish is cut from the back or belly and separated into fillets. Fillets are made up of meat, skin and bones.

Filleting is an important step in the fish processing process. This process makes cooking the fish easier and more flavorful.


Glazing is the spraying of a cold oil or freezing liquid on the surface of fish. This process helps to keep the fish fresher for longer and prevent spoilage.

Glazing is usually done using a spray gun or freezer spray. The fish is sprayed with cold oil or freezing liquid on its surface. This process protects the surface of the fish, reducing moisture loss and delaying spoilage.

Glazing is an important step in the fish processing process. It helps to keep fish fresher for longer and prevent spoilage.


Traceability is the tracking of fish from where it is caught or farmed to the consumer. This is important to trace the origin and quality of fish.

Traceability is usually tracked using a set of records and documents. These records include the place where the fish was caught or farmed, the date and time the fish was caught or farmed, and the processing and distribution process of the fish.

Traceability is important for fish safety and ethical fishing. It is important to make sure that fish are caught in a safe and sustainable way.

These five aspects are an important part of the fish processing process. They help to maintain the freshness, safety and quality of fish.

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